Balloon Fiesta Outreach


Balloon Fiesta Outreach

Join us October 5 and October 11-13 for our outreach to the Balloon Fiesta Park and Ride guests, one that will not require a 2:00 am call time! Hooray for that!  We will be placing information cards on car windshields with church info and invitations to our upcoming events. All ages are welcomed and encouraged to join in. Sign-up using the form below. We will begin placing the cards around Mass Ascension time around 7:00 am, and will only take about an hour to complete depending on the number of volunteers. Any questions contact Adrienne.



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Event Details

Date and Time

10/05/2024 7:15am
10/11/2024, 10/12/2024, 10/13/2024


Hoffmantown Parking Lots

More Information

Contact Adrienne Mouck at
