Compass 2/5/23


THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (February 5, 2023)This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar’s message will be “The Parable of the Two Sons” (Luke 15:11-32). This week’s songs will be Forever by Chris Tomlin; arr. by Dan Galbraith, Assurance Mashup Traditional hymns arranged by Cliff Duren, One by Randy Lind, Brad Henderson and Cliff Duren; arr. by Cliff Duren, and Chain Breaker by Jonathan Smith, Mia Fieldes and Zach Williams; arr. by Phil Nitz.


Sports Sunday for Sunday School ClassesSports Sunday is coming to Hoffmantown Church on February 12! This will be a fun time to invite guests to your Sunday School class and to worship. Come dressed in your favorite team gear, your team’s uniform, or your hobby (hunting, fishing, etc.). We are also having an extra special Sunday School Morning, Sports Sunday, February 12, for all pre-K and elementary students.


Light Up the NightThank you church family for your continued faithfulness in supporting our church financially. Your consistent giving of tithes and offerings allows us to pay the bills and complete needed maintenance of the wonderful facilities God has blessed us with. Two recent examples of stewardship to maintain our facility are that we recently completed conversion of the last of our parking lot lights to LED fixtures. Not only does this give us safer, brighter night illumination, we also pay less in electricity as a result. Another recently completed project was the installation of a new swing set in the kids’ play area at Mission Field. This replaced the rope pyramid which had worn out. Lots of smiling faces are testament to the popularity of this new addition to the park. Thank you to our maintenance team and thank you church body for your faithfulness in giving.


Hoffmantown Church Paid Ministry Positions Available

Maintenance/Set-Up/Janitorial:Our Maintenance/Set-Up/Janitorial Department is seeking a dedicated Christian person to assist our team part-time in the area of custodial duties. This position could become a full-time opportunity for the right person. For job requirements, please contact Roger Tesch at

Applications are available at the Receptionist Desk Monday through Friday, or you can download an application from  Please return completed applications to the receptionist.



Mary Moments – Pure LoveLadies, you are cordially invited to attend a wedding reception of biblical importance! Your presence is requested on Saturday, February 11, from 1-3pm as we take a “peek behind the veil” at the Old Testament book, the Song of Solomon. Come and partake in this pure love story of the bride groom and bride, in a time of fellowship replete with a love themed “game,” teaching, outreach opportunity and of course, wedding cupcakes! Please RSVP your “YES” before the deadline date of February 8. You may also register in the Fellowship Mall on Sunday, February 5. Childcare for birth-5th grade will be provided. However, RSVP is required by Wednesday, February 8 for childcare in order to provide appropriate number of childcare volunteers. Content may not be appropriate for young ladies under age 18, parental discretion advised. Be a Bringer for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


Stepping Up Equipping ClassWe have a new Equipping Class starting for men beginning February 15 called “Stepping Up, it is a journey together walking through ‘Biblical Manhood.’” This Equipping Class is on Wednesdays, from 6:30-8pm in room B204. Please register here and come join us! To register, please visit our website at We hope to see you there!



Student Spring RetreatHoffmantown Students, join us February 24-26, for our Spring Retreat at Camp Inlow. The cost per student is $125, and the deadline to register is Sunday, February 5. Register for Spring Retreat at! Our theme this year at Spring Retreat is “Because of HIS Love.” We will be looking at the three letters of John, asking a few questions, “Because of God’s love for me, who am I?” “Because of God’s love for me, what am I called to do?” “Because of God’s love for me, what kind of life can I live?”

We will also be having an UNO tournament Friday night, a movie night with nachos on Saturday, times of worship, several teaching times, daily personal devotions, and a sunrise service on Sunday. This will be a great time for sure! Hope to see you there!

**Please Note** – a Medical Release Form will need to be filled out for this event. Please contact Pastor Dane or Katelyn Whitlock for this form at or 858-8630.



As Spring is winding up, we have a lot of fun events coming down the pipeline here in kids. Sunday, February 12th is Sports Sunday where we will celebrate our Pre-Game Pump-Up with all our Sunday School classes.

Friday, February 17th is Parents Night Out: Friend of God (registration closes Thursday, February 16th on the website).

Last, but certainly not least, we have Kite Day on Sunday, March 12th. Kite day will be a fun opportunity to enjoy an outdoor picnic while you take advantage of the march winds. Bring the family and a few friends for a fun and relaxed day on Mission Field!

VBS 2023VBS starts Monday, June 5, and we need area leaders to join our Planning and Execution Team. If you’d like to give a hand or would like to know more about what this may entail, please email or talk with the Kids Ministry Director Stacy Teel.



Missions MomentBack in December we asked for donations of kids socks as well as food donations to go toward our Shine school partnership with Arroyo Del Oso and the church delivered! Almost 800 pairs of socks were donated and lots of food donations as well. With your generous donations, we were able to provide enough for two teacher appreciation events at Arroyo del Oso, and send home the socks with the kids. This is a great start to our partnership with the school. Thank you to all those who donated, and keep a look out for more opportunities this coming year!



Current Members:Elders: Jim Dearholt and Jim Smith                               Pastors: Lamar Morin and Gregory ElderDeacons: Dave Jarvis and John Stockton     Operations: Sam MouckAt Large Members: D’Ann Craft, Jeff McElwain, Dave Pitcher, Jerri Rose, Linda Rupp and Bruce Townsend