Compass 2/6/22


THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (February 6, 2022)

This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will preach about “Holiness” (Haggai 2:10-19). This week’s songs will be All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name by Oliver Holden, John Rippon, Edward Perronet, and Tommy Walker, Crown Him With Many Crowns by George Job Elvey, Godfrey Thring, Matthew Bridges, and Tommy Walker, Be Unto Your Name by Lynn DeShazo and Gary Sadler, and One True God by Chris Tomlin, Steven Curtis Chapman, and Matt Redman.


Sports Sunday for Sunday School Classes

Sports Sunday is coming to Hoffmantown Church on February 13! This will be a fun time to invite guests to your Sunday School class and to worship. Come dressed in your favorite team gear, your team’s uniform, or your hobby (hunting, fishing, etc.). For more information, please contact Pastor Lamar at


Hoffmantown Church Paid Ministry Positions AvailableHoffmantown Church has part-time positions available. Applicants should be an active member of Hoffmantown Church, sense a calling to Christian service and be able to work in various contexts.


Administrative Assistant: Hoffmantown’s Adult Family Ministry is seeking a part-time administrative assistant. Legacy, Men’s, and Women’s Ministries are included in AFM. Applicant should be proficient in software applications. For job requirements, please contact Susan Franse at 858-8654 or Part-time (16-24 hours per week) For job requirements, please contact Susan Franse at 858-8654 or


Audio/Visual Assistant Needed

Hoffmantown is looking for a part-time audio/visual assistant. No experience necessary, we will train you. If you feel called to this ministry, please email Mike Donahoe at or call 858-8680.


Applications are available at the Receptionist Desk Monday through Friday. Please return completed applications to the receptionist.


Blood Mobile at Hoffmantown

The Blood Mobile will be at Hoffmantown on Sunday, February 13 from 9am-1:30pm. Save time by registering online. Complete your Fast Track Health questionnaire on your computer or mobile device before you arrive by logging on to Save lives, donate blood!


December Month-End Update from the Finance Committee(Our fiscal year starts in July)

December 2021                                  Actuals                  YTD Actuals

Receipts / Income                                              $326,116                               $1,516,872

Less Expenses                                                      $305,269                               $1,438,552

$  20,847               $     78,320



Hoffmantown Food Pantry (HIS Store)

Have you run out of food before the next paycheck arrives? Has life overwhelmed you? Do you know of a family who could use food for any reason? Hoffmantown Church operates a food pantry known as HIS Store. Stop by the Receptionist Desk and pick up selected groceries Tuesday thru Thursday 10am-12pm, and 1-3pm.



Mary Moments

We invite you to “Mary Moments,” a new quarterly event for women, to be held on February 19. Come and enjoy fellowship, discipleship, and a potluck. Stir up your best dish and join us from 11am-1:30pm in room B209, as we “stir one another on to love and good deeds.” Drinks and desserts will be provided. Registration is online at Deadline is February 13. If you have questions, please contact


Tuesday Afternoons

Tuesday Afternoons is a ministry to widows and widowers. Our next meeting will be on February 8, from 1:30 to 3pm in room B104. We come together for a time of fellowship, worship, teaching, and lots of fun. For more information, contact


Hoffmantown’s Lending Library

Our Lending Library is available for you to check out materials if you desired. Contact to check out materials, or for more information!



Worship Choir and Orchestra

If you love music, singing or playing an instrument, and worshiping the Lord – then come and check out the Worship Choir and Orchestra on Wednesday nights. Both groups start in room B100 for a brief devotion at 6:30pm and then split for a time of rehearsal. Feel free to come and experience what the Music & Worship Ministry is all about. There’ll be no pressure to join, but if interested in becoming a member, you can speak with any of the leaders or email for more information.



Sports Sunday for Students (7th to 12th grade)

We are all very excited to announce our first Sports Sunday, held on Super Bowl Sunday, February 13. This will be a wonderful day to gather as many as you can to our Student Sunday School classes. Join us for a Waffles and Bacon Breakfast on that day with special activities (Bubble Soccer), minute to win games and devotion. We want kids to wear their favorite sports’ themed apparel on February 13. Some of you may say, “I’m not into team sports.” That’s OK.  Maybe you have a hobby like fishing or hunting…wear that gear. Or cooking…or sewing (don’t wear a sewing machine, it might get heavy). Be creative! This will be a fun morning, perfect for inviting friends and guests. Let’s go!



Sports Sunday for Kids Ministry February 13

We are having an extra special Sunday School Morning, Sports Sunday, February 13, from 11am-12pm, for all PK-6th grade Sunday School classes, in the ROC! Join us for, worship, God’s Word, games, and fun snacks. Dress up in your favorite sports team gear, your team jersey, or your favorite hobby. Invite Your Friends! There will be prizes for those who bring the most friends!


Parents Night Out

Our next Parents Night Out, “For God So Loved the World…” will be Friday, February 18, 6:15-8:45pm. Parents, enjoy a sweet “date night” while your kids enjoy a “fun night” experiencing God’s love for the world through unique games and activities involving… the earth and universe, people from countries all over the world, foods from countries all over the globe, and animals in the Garden of Eden. Plus, there will be a special celebration at the end of the evening celebrating God’s love through worship, scripture, and loud rejoicing!



Current Members:

Elders: Tom Caudill and Jim Dearholt

Pastors: Lamar Morin and David Hopkins

Deacons: Drayton Boozer and Dave Jarvis

Operations: Sam Mouck

At Large Members: D’Ann Craft, Steve Gnerich, Jeff McElwain, Patricia Rogers, Linda Rupp and Bruce Townsend