Compass 6/12/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (June 12, 2022) This Sunday, Lamar’s sermon will be “Seeing God” (Matthew 5:8). This week’s songs will be Lion and The Lamb by Brenton Brown, Brian Johnson, and Leeland Mooring, arr. by Dustin Loehrs and Dan Galbraith, Revelation Song by Jennie Lee Riddle, arr. by Dan Galbraith, and One Day…
Compass 6/5/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (June 5, 2022) This Sunday, Lamar’s sermon will be “Mercy Me!” (Matthew 5:7). This week’s songs will be To God Be The Glory by Fanny Jane Crosby, William Howard Doane, and Dan Galbraith, House Of The Lord by Jonathan Smith and Phil Wickham, arr. by Dan Galbraith, Jesus Messiah by…
Compass 5/29/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (May 29, 2022) This Sunday will be Lord’s Supper. This week’s songs will be Holy Is The Lord by Chris Tomlin, arr. by Dan Galbraith, Open Up The Heavens by Andi Rozier, James McDonald, Jason Ingram, Meredith Andrews, and Stuart Garrard, arr. by Dan Galbraith and Shane Ohlson, O Praise…
Compass 5/22/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (May 22, 2022) This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will talk about “Spiritual Appetites” (Matthew 5:6). This week’s songs will be Only King Forever by Wade Joye, Chris Brown, Mack Brock, and Steven Furtick, arr. by Ron Blount, Holy, Holy, Holy by Reginald Heber, John B. Dykes, arr. by Bradley Knight,…
Compass 5/15/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (May 15, 2022) This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will talk about “Meek and Mighty” (Matthew 5:5). This week’s songs will be Joyful (The One Who Saves) by Brenton Brown and Jason Ingram, arr. by Bradley Knight, House of the Lord by Jonathan Smith and Phil Wickham, arr. by Dan Galbraith,…
Compass 5/8/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (May 8, 2022) This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will talk about “Grief and Comfort” (Matthew 5:4). This week’s songs will be All Creatures of Our God and King music from Geistliche Kirchengesang, by Sean Beck, St. Francis of Assisi, William Henry Draper, and Tommy Walker, House of the Lord by…
Compass 5/1/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (May 1, 2022) This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will talk about “Depending on God” (Matthew 5:1-3). This week’s songs will be All Because of Jesus by Steve Fee, arr. by Gary Rhodes, O God Our Help by William Croft, Tommy Walker, and Isaac Watts, arr. by Adam W. Lancaster, His…
Compass 4/24/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (April 24, 2022) This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will ask us to “Consider the Call to Servanthood” (Mark 10:35-45). Today’s songs will be How Great Thou Art by Stuart Hine, Paul Baloche, arr. by Dan Galbraith, Thrive by Mark Hall and Matthew West, arr. by Dan Galbraith, Yet Not I,…
Compass 4/17/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (April 17, 2022) HAPPY EASTER! This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will teach on “The Resurrection of Jesus” (Mark 16:1-8). Today’s songs will be Worthy by Sarah Mentzer, Tim Paul, and David Wise, arr. by Tim Paul, Christ The Lord is Risen Today (He’s Alive) Music: Lyra Davidica; New Words and…
Compass 4/10/22
CHURCH-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (April 10, 2022) This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will teach on “The Burial of Jesus” (Mark 15:42-47). Today’s songs will be Hosanna by Paul Baloche, Brenton Brown, arr by Dan Galbraith, Fairest (with Fairest Lord Jesus) by Glenn Packiam, King of Kings by Brooke Ligertwood, Jason Ingram, and Scott Ligertwood,…